
ton*s kids,they would probably do something like that.I rang it twice,.and than decided to look around the. back yard.When there was no.- one there, I elected to go bsck to the front door and wait there, until they cane back.After a few minutes,I heard a car drive up in the driveway.lt came fom the road that the driveway was on,so they didn't see me.The doors: of the car closed,and I heard voices,but I couldn't tell what they were saying.Over everything I heard one of the two people say-" Shit,, the doer won't open!"Imumbled to myself,that, must be Don
Preston"I said that,because the last word I ever heard him say
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was, shit,.when we got in our monster fight before graduation Ceremonies.for high school.Then I heard a woman say she had a key to the front door.That's when I heard footsteps on the grass coining closer.I was actually getting nervous that Don Preston would tear my guts out when he saw me for being on his property. I can't describe how I felt..I wanted to cry because I was so happy to: see xx&Wendy again,but I wanted to. run for my life for fear that. Don was going to kri.ll me.
Through the branches of the bushes,I saw a grocery bag that was full of things like pretzels,.beer,and coke.I saw a very pretty hand holding, it,and I was. relieved to know that Wendy wasn't going to have to same me from that animal husband of hers.I heard keys jingling,and then I saw hervface.She was. looking at her keys.I wanted to say something,but it didn't fit the situation to say so me thing. Finally, she singled out a key and looked up.When-we made eye contact,I felt like I was going to. float away to heaven.She was still as pretty as she ever had been.Her eyes, were radiant blue,and her hair was as blonde as I remember it being before.She was holding two grocery bags up to her chest,amd one of them broke open at the bottom just as: she set eyes on me.On the ground spilled a bunch of candy and stuff like that that someone would buy when they were having a guest over .We were bo&h speec;hle.ss.Finally,after putting all doubts about her out of my mind,I spoke to her.
"Your bag fell open..''apparently, she. hadn't noticed, be cause she didn't even know what I was talking about.until Xshe tried to put her bags down.She. did put her bags on the ground.Jesusl!
- Author
- mark thomas